Options – Advanced


Use the advanced options to select which data series get displayed when completing a prediction and which data series to display in the Existing Data/Calculations list.

For more information regarding the prediction data series versus the prediction signal data series refer to Using Predictions.


Choose the Insert new prediction settings:

  • Insert prediction signal data series ‘ After you have finished creating a prediction, using this option will display the prediction data series on the chart with predicted data values on the same bar they were predicted (For example the 2-day prediction for July 5th would be shown on July 3rd.). This results in predictions that can be used in other indicators or trading strategies prior to the actual result occurring.
  • Insert prediction data series ‘ After you have finished creating a prediction, using this option will display the prediction data series on the chart with predicted data values on the bar for which they are being predicted (For example the 2-day prediction for July 5th would be shown on July 5th.). This results in prediction values that can not be used in other indicators until the actual result is already know. This also results in the prediction values being displayed on the chart on future bars that have not yet occurred. NOTE: Because prediction data series values are shown on future bars and the chart only updates realtime data on the last bar on the chart, realtime data updates will most likely not occur on the chart when using the prediction data series. It is recommended that “Insert Prediction data series” only be used on static data files and not dynamic data obtained from data feeds.

Select Existing data/calculations settings:

  • List prediction data series – displays both the prediction and the prediction signal data series. If not selected, then only the prediction signal data series will be displayed in the Existing Data/Calculations list.

Select Date interface settings

  • Allow real trading to begin before last chart date ‘ controls whether the optional checkbox to Start trading before last chart date is displayed in the Dates tab of both the prediction and trading strategy parameters dialogs.

When you are satisfied with the Options press the OK button.

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