Advanced Tab Trading Strategies Video


The Advanced tab allows you to specify how you want the Trader to search for the best model.

You can choose an objective that is used to evaluate the best entry and exit conditions. Click on the down arrow to display the entire list.


There are other optimization parameters you can set. You can enter values for the shortest or longest average trade span. The final model may not match these values precisely, because the first priority is the objective you set.


You can enter an optimization time.


If you choose to optimize a model across all chart pages, the Trader selects the same inputs and parameter values for each issue in the chart.


The Trader offers different optimization methods.


Evolution strategy optimization generally works best for most models.


Swarm optimization works fine on problems with fewer variables or for fine tuning models that were initially trained with evolutionary strategy optimization.

Brute force optimization examines every possible solution but can take forever working on a problem with a lot of variables.

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