Using Daily Data From CSI’s Unfair Advantage Database

If you have purchased Unfair Advantage(UA) from CSI, you can easily access the daily data with NeuroShell. However, it cannot be accessed while it is still in the UA database. To get the data out of the UA database, you must first create a Portfolio of all the issues you want to access with NeuroShell. That process allows you to write the files to a folder (let’s call it the CSI Data Folder). Here is a link to CSIs web site that describes the process:

Be sure to write your files in either CSI format or MetaStock (MS) format. Contact CSI technical support if you have difficulty creating a Portfolio or figuring how to write out the data files.

Once the data is written to the CSI Data Folder the first time, you then show NeuroShell where that folder is as follows:

1. Go to the Tools menu and select Data Sources
2. Select the Directories/Files tab
3. Select the Add Directory button and locate the CSI Data Folder
4. Press OK to complete the process.
5. You can change the category of the data. Just click on a row and use the Change Category button.
6. You may want to remove the directories containing WSG Data so that you do not get confused or mix data. Just click on a directory and press the Remove Directory button. You will probably want to keep the WSG Files in the category called Examples.

From that point on NeuroShell “knows” about the CSI data. However, there are two things to remember:

1. NeuroShell locates files in the CSI Data Folder when it first starts running. So if you decide to add new issues to the CSI Data Folder, you will have to restart NeuroShell afterwards. Alternatively, you can go through steps 1-4 above and NeuroShell will locate the files containing the new issues.
2. NeuroShell reads the data files when a chart is loaded. Therefore, after UA downloads daily data, you will have to reload your chart to get the new bars into NeuroShell.

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