Scanning Wizard – Scan Results

This screen shows the results of scan after all the ticker symbols have been scanned and the calculations are finished computing.

If at any time during scan, you want to abort, press the Stop Scanning button.


After the scanning has finished, you may do any of the following:

  • Sort the results list by clicking on the column header by which the list should be sorted. Clicking once will sort the list in ascending order based upon the values in that column. Clicking a column header a second time will sort the list in descending order based upon the values in that column.
  • Select the ticker symbols for which you wish to create a chart by clicking the mouse button in the square to the left of each ticker symbol in the results list.
  • Press the Finished button to end the wizard and create a chart that has the scan values/indicators already created for the ticker symbols that are checked in the results list.
  • Press the Back button to modify the scan.
  • Press the Cancel button to exit the scanning wizard without saving any results.
  • Press the Save as Template button to save the scan as a new scanning template. Saving the scan as a template allows you to redo the scan at a later time without having to recreate the scan from scratch.

Topic of Interest:
What is Ticker Symbol Scanning

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