In the Trading Strategy wizard, you can select different optimization levels above the rules tab.
If you see an arrow circle beside an item, it means that it can be optimized. If the arrows are red, an optimization range has been set, while gray arrows means that an optimization range has not yet been set. A black lock means that the rule won’t be optimized.
For example, No Rule Optimization builds a trading system and backtests it using the exact rules and parameters you entered. It is marked with a black lock.
Rule Parameter Optimization keeps all of the rules you entered, but changes parameters inside of the rules, such as the number of periods in a moving average or the time series used in the rule. This is noted with a large black lock on the rules and a small red arrow circle if you set parameter ranges.
Rule Selection Optimization picks which rules to use but doesn’t change any of the parameters or time series used in the rules. This option displays a red arrow circle on the rules and a small black lock on the parameters
Full Rule Optimization picks the rules and changes the parameters, and is denoted with a red arrow circle.
Custom Rule Optimization lets you select some rules and/or parameters to optimize. You can set the range for some parts of the rule and lock the others by setting the values the same.
Once you’ve decided on which rules and parameters you want to optimize, the next requirement is to select an objective function. The objective determines the best entry, stop, and exit conditions during optimization of the Trading Strategy. Click on modify Trading Strategy parameters, then the Advanced Tab. Click on the drop down list to view all of the difference objective functions. The help file will provide the details.
You can also set the desired shortest and longest trade span. The Trader attempts to satisfy this requirement, but the objective function is the primary goal.
If you choose to optimize the model across all chart pages, the optimizer is forced to choose the same rules and parameters for each chart page.
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