Q. How can I exclude selected bars from the learning process in the Prediction Wizard?
A. Here are three ways to exclude data from learning in NeuroShell’s Pediction Wizard:
1. Export your data as a text file (see Tools/Export Chart/Data menu), edit that file in Excel, export it as a .csv file into a folder with a new ticker symbol you invent, “add” that folder to NeuroShell’s data sources (see the Tools/Data Sources menu), and then build your chart with that data file instead of one you downloaded. It should include date, open, high, low, close, and volume.
2. Cause the actual output to be missing on the bars you want to exclude. You can use an IF/THEN rule (see the Rules category) which uses an asterisk like this:
If (bad condition) then * else (real output)
3. Cause ALL of the inputs to be missing on the bars you want to exclude. You can use an IF/THEN rule for each input which uses an asterisk like this:
If (bad condition) then * else (real input)
Actually, only one input needs to be asterisk, but you need to asterisk them all because the optimizer could delete the one you designated by asterisk.
Note: Putting an * in the output will only exclude data from learning, BUT the net will still be applied to ALL bars on the chart. In contrast, putting an * for all inputs will exclude the data from learning and the net will only be applied to bars with non-* inputs on the chart.