December 2016 Newsletter – Example Prediction Chart Template

December 19, 2016



If you regularly watch a group of technical indicators in order to trade, you may not know the exact indicator patterns you use to determine a trade before you contact your broker.  How can you keep track of 5 to 10 indicators over a period of time?  What if you get tired?  Are you consistent in your trades? How do you measure success?
The answer is a neural network prediction that can consistently scan for patterns in historical data based on those indicators and produce trading signals.
Once you have the signal, NeuroShell Trader requires that you incorporate the prediction in a Trading Strategy to send the trade to your broker.
We’ve created an example prediction template that automatically puts the prediction into a Trading Strategy.  You can even change the prediction inputs and the Trading Strategy is automatically updated.  You have the option of adding traditional rules to the Trading Strategy to combine systems.
You can change the inputs to the Example Prediction Signal (the neural net) and the Trading Strategy called Example Prediction System is automatically updated. 
Note:  This chart is only meant to serve as an example for adding a neural network prediction to a Trading Strategy.  We strongly recommend that you find your own inputs to a neural net before trading any model.
If you save this example chart in the c:\NeuroShell Trader\template directory, you can use this chart as the basis for any prediction system.  The next time you open the Trader and create a new chart, you can select the Example Pred FOREX.cht template file.
This chart includes sizing and costs for FOREX trading, but they can easily be changed in the prediction wizard for stocks or futures. to download the chart template.

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