Stock Screens (TASC October 2000)

The first step to implementing a Stock Scan in NeuroShell Trader, is to create a chart with the long and short signals. Select ‘New Indicator …’ from the ‘Insert’ menu to create the following indicators using the Indicator Wizard:

Long Signal:
And4 ( And 2 (
A>B(Close, 20),
A>B ( MovAvg ( Volume, 50 ), 500 ) ),
A>B ( Close, Lag ( Max(Close,5), 1 )
A>B ( Momentum(Close,1), 1 )
A>B ( Volume, Multiply2( 1.5, MovAvg(Volume,50) ) ) )

Short Signal:
And4 ( And 2 (
A>B(Close, 20),
A>B ( MovAvg ( Volume, 50 ), 500 ) ),
A<B ( Close, Lag ( Min(Close,5), 1 )
A<B ( Momentum(Close,1), -1 )
A>B ( Volume, Multiply2( 1.5, MovAvg(Volume,50) ) )

The second step to implementing a Stock Scan is to add the stocks that you wish to scan by selecting ‘Add/Remove Chart Pages …’ from the ‘Edit’ menu. Once the stocks have been added to the chart, you can view a summary of all the long and short signals for all the stocks by selecting ‘Portfolio View’ from the ‘View’ menu.

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