The Save Template Dialog allows you to name the custom indicator, select the category (new or already existing), and modify advanced features of the custom indicator. To save a custom indicator:
- Enter the Name of the custom indicator you wish to save.
- Enter the Category of the custom indicator you wish to save (you may do this by selecting an existing category from the drop down list or typing in a new Category name).
- (Optional) Select the Advanced button to modify the parameter mapping, parameter defaults, indicator help file, and password protect the indicator.
- Select the OK button to save your custom indicator.
To edit an indicator that has been previously saved as it was shown originally:
- Select the Reconstruct Original Indicator button.
This will not “unsave” the indicator previously saved.
All changes made either in the Indicator Wizard or the Save Template dialogs will be lost.
In order to replace an original indicator with minor changes you will want to reconstruct the indicator, save the indicator under a new name, select the original indicator in the indicator list (make sure no others are selected) and press the delete key on your keyboard, select the “new” indicator, modify saved indicator (from the parameter selection screen), and save the indicator using the “original” name.
- After selecting OK the indicator will show in the category that you had previously selected, but the next time you enter the Indicator Wizard it will be shown only in the Category that you entered on this screen.
Topic of Interest:
What are Custom Indicators?