Ehlers Instantaneous Trendline (TASC February 2002)

Ehler’s Instantaneous Trendline can be easily implemented in the NeuroShell Trader by using the NeuroShell Trader’s ability to call external Dynamic Linked Libraries. Dynamic Linked Libraries can be written in C, C++, Power Basic (also Visual Basic using one of our add-on packages), and Delphi. We’ve created the Ehler’s Instantaneous Trendline that you can download from the NeuroShell Trader free technical support website. Additionally, we’ve provided the code on the web site so that if you want to make any modifications to it you will be able to do so.

After downloading the custom indicator you can insert it by following:
1. Select ‘New Indicator …’ from the ‘Insert’ menu.
2. Select the Custom Indicator category.
3. Select the Ehler’s Instantaneous Trendline
4. Insert the Parameters as you desire.

Please note that in the default we use a constant dominant cycle of 10; however, if you have Ehler’s package for NeuroShell Trader you can use the dominant cycle indicator provided. Alternatively if you have some other method of determining the dominant cycle you may replace the default with that indicator.

The Ehler’s Smoothed Price can be easily implemented in the NeuroShell Trader by combining a few of the over 800 built in indicators. We’ve done this for you already and have created custom indicators that you can download from the NeuroShell Trader free technical support website.

However, we wanted to show you how easy it is to implement Ehler’s Smoothed Price in NeuroShell Trader. To do this create the indicator below:

Divide(Add4(Mul2(Close,4), Mul2(Lag(Close,1),3), Mul2(Lag(Close,2),2), Lag(Close,3)) ,10)

Using the custom indicator functionality in NeuroShell Trader this can be easily saved as (as we’ve already done for you):

Ehler’s Smoothed Price(Close)

After downloading the custom indicators you can easily insert it or combine it with any of our over 800 built in indicators into a chart, prediction, or trading strategy.

File Download


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