DataPump Example Written in VB.NET

Our developers have released new source code for a much simpler DataPump example than our old VB6 example. This new example is written in (Visual Studio 2008 source files). It is an example of how to call the NST DataPump to send it historical data and real time updates. This particular example is an .exe that has no interface. It basically runs a random number generator as the data feed, so is for illustrative purposes only and does not actually produce real market data.

The source code can be downloaded from the following link:

Random Data Feed EXE – VB2008 Source

Also, our developers have released a compiled exe and corresponding directory containing a sample .lst file. This can be unzipped directly into the NeuroShell Trader Server subdirectory to test out and run the random data feed within NST without having to go and compile the source code.

The compiled EXE can be downloaded from the following link:

Random Data Feed EXE – exe and sample lst file

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