Cutler’s RSI

The default RSI in NeuroShell is TradeStation’s implementation of Wilder’s RSI. Cutler’s RSI is different, and easy to code in the Indicator Wizard. The chart (../alfuaoieruaiopjdfklaklnakljsdfioaurioejqrioqur89e7wr9q6r89q7er897qwe89r6q89wer789qruioqurq896rq980er7q89er7/Cutler has data in it and shows all the steps leading up to the final construction of the Cutler RSI, which we saved as a custom template in the Custom Indicators category. At the bottom we plotted both Cutler and the default RSI. If you study this chart and the steps we took, you should learn a lot about building complex indicators in NeuroShell

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