Step 1
The first time you want to send trading signals from the Trader to your broker or an E-mail list, go to the Tools menu and select Options, and the Trading Orders tab. Click on the check boxes to choose to play a sound when a trading goes out or pop up a confirmation box before a trade is sent, but it might slow down your trading.
Next, click on the send orders to brokerage checkbox and from the drop down list select either your broker or the Order E-mailer.
Step 2
If you’re sending trades to a broker, you might have to install their software before being able to send a trade. See the separate brokerage videos for details.
If you’re sending trades to an E-mail list, you’ll have to enter E-mail account information and a list of names before you send a trade. See the video on the using the Order E-mailer.
Step 3
It is recommended that you send your first trades to a demo account with your broker to insure that the connection is working. The same is true if you’re using the Order E-mailer.
After making your selections, a box is displayed that requires you to agree to the terms of using integrated trading.
Once you have setup integrated trading in NeuroShell, you do not have to repeat the process unless you want to make changes.
See the separate video on sending orders from NeuroShell to a brokerage or an E-mail list.
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