The Active Trading view of the Alerts and Orders Window displays all the trading strategies across all open charts, with a check next to strategies that are currently active. Only active trading strategies will show their position and orders in the other tabs of the Alerts and Orders Window.
Additionally, only active trading strategies will give sound accompanied pop-up order notification when the sound and pop-up order options are active (the sound and pop-up order notification options are accessed using the Options menu item in the Tools Menu).
If you have selected Send Orders to Brokerage option (accessed using the Options menu item in the Tools Menu), then active trading strategies will send orders directly to the selected brokerage.
To activate or deactivate a trading strategy, select or unselect the trading strategy using the check box to the left of the ticker symbol.
The following is a description of each column in the Active Trading view:
Position ‘ The current position of the ticker symbol. Possible positions include none, long, and short.
Shares ‘ The number of shares/contracts being bought or sold.
Symbol ‘ The ticker symbol for the trading strategy. There will be one ticker symbol for each chart page in the chart.
Strategy ‘ The name of the trading strategy.
Chart ‘ The chart name on which the trading strategy resides.
To hide the Alerts and Orders Window deselect the Alerts and Orders Window menu item from the View menu.
- Only trading strategies can be activated. To get position status, order status, and order notification for a prediction, create a trading strategy based upon the prediction and then activate that strategy.
- While integrated brokerage trading is occurring, the price bars of the trading strategy will be colored yellow. If you save and reload a chart that was being actively trading, the old fill prices and yellow areas of active trading will also be saved and redisplayed.
- NeuroShell Trader uses the following color schemes to distinguish whether integrated brokerage trading has just started, is proceeding normally or is ending:
Army Green on chart and green in alerts and order window means that active trading was just turned on and it is waiting to place an entry order. No position closing exit orders will be placed with the brokerage, only an entry order to open the position.
Bright Yellow on chart and green in alerts and order window means that the first entry order was placed on that bar or a previous bar, but an entry fill did not yet occur on that bar.
Light pale yellow on the chart and black in the alerts and orders window means that active trading is occurring, both entry and exit orders will be placed with the brokerage.
When you turn off active trading, the chart goes to bright yellow again and the alerts and orders window shows red, meaning that trading is ending and no new entry orders will be placed with the brokerage, only an exit order to close out the existing position.
If you are actively trading a chart, save and close that chart, but then reload the chart later, the bars between when you closed the chart and opened the chart will be colored purple. NeuroShell will not signal any trade entries, exits or stops during the purple colored time period because the chart was closed, but still being actively traded.