Alert Wizard – Properties (Professional Only)

Setting the properties of the alert will allow you to control how the Alert will be displayed and heard (if desired).

To set the properties of the Alert:

  1. Select the Name of Alert, this is what will be displayed on the chart and in the Alert Window when the alert occurs.
  2. Enter a Description (if desired) of the Alert, this will be displayed in the Alert Window when the alert occurs.
  3. Select Popup Alert Window if you want this alert to automatically popup the Alert Window when the alert occurs. Otherwise (if you don’t want the Alert Window popping up), deselect this option.
  4. Select Play sound file if you want this alert to play a sound when the alert occurs. Additionally you must select which sound that you want the alert to play. If you don’t want the alert to play a sound deselect this option.
  5. Press the Finish button to end the wizard and display the alert.


  • The list of available sounds is compiled from all the .WAV sound files located in the Sounds subdirectory (C:NeuroShell TraderSounds). If you would like to use a custom sound not provided with NeuroShell Trader, simply copy the desired .WAV sound file into the Sounds subdirectory prior to running NeuroShell Trader.

Topic of Interest:
What are Alerts?

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