Interactive Brokers requires that the exchange be specified with ticker symbols because of the many exchanges they support. Therefore, symbols used with IBFeed must have exchanges associated with them, e.g.:
For that reason, all the symbols that IBFeed has pre-defined in NeuroShell .lst files have the exchange on them.
There are two ways to add symbols to make them known to NeuroShell if they are not already in the list of pre-defined ones:
1. The preferred method is to use the IBFeed Console because IBFeed has much more configurable items than NeuroShell can configure. For example, you can specify hours, bid ask, midpoint, and data cleanse. The symbols will not become available until NeuroShell is re-started.
2. You can also use the NeuroShell “Add ticker” dialog, but if you do you must be careful to make sure you include the @exchange information as part of the symbol. Also, do not add any symbols or symbol names this way that have already been pre-defined in IBFeed, or have been loaded into the IBFeed Console.
There is more information about adding ticker symbols on the Bowfort website:
Technical note for high tech people only: Since symbols entered via the IBFeed console have more options than NeuroShell supports, there has to be an additional file that contains the configuration. The file is mapping.ibf. So when you add a symbol in IBFeed Console, it puts the info that NeuroShell needs in the .lst file (usually IBFeed.lst), and the info that IBFeed needs in the mapping.ibf file. When you specify @exchange, all the things that ordinarily would go in mapping.ibf are set to default settings and mapping.ibf is not needed.