Giorgos Siligardos provides us with a method of analyzing divergence bias using several indicators that are either included in the NeuroShell Trader or can be recreated by combining a few of the 800 technical indicators. Below is the list of indicators that Siligardos uses:
By using these indicators, you can see how Siligardos’ analysis can be demonstrated in NeuroShell Trader.
In addition, Siligardos refers to correlation between the indicators. The indicator that he refers to is named the coefficient of correlation (LinXYRegr) in NeuroShell Trader. This indicator is located in the regression category.
To insert any of the indicators referred to by Siligardos:
1. Select "New Indicator…" from the Insert menu.
2. Select the appropriate category.
3. Select the desired indicator.
4. Select any of the parameters that you wish to modify.
5. Press the Set Parameter button and set the parameter to the desired value.
6. Select the Finished button.
You can easily insert any of these indicators or combine them with any of our 800 built-in indicators into a chart, prediction or trading strategy. In addition, if you decide to use this indicator in a prediction or trading strategy, the coefficients may be optimized by the genetic algorithm built into the NeuroShell Trader Professional.
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