Changes from 3.0 to 3.2

The following are the primary new features in the 3.2 release of the Trader:


  1. The capability to change the periodicity of a chart has been added. All charts now have a drop down list of periodicities at the top right of the chart. By selecting a different periodicity, all of a chart’s data, calculations, predictions, and trading strategies will change to the new periodicity. Note that the parameters of indicators, predictions and trading strategies do not change, so if you had MovAvg(Close,5) on a daily chart, the indicator will remain as MovAvg(Close,5) if you change to a weekly chart. The difference will be that 5 data points now represent 5 weeks instead of 5 days. Any predictions and trading strategies on a chart will need to be retrained and rebacktested whenever you change the chart periodicity.
  2. Analysis templates have been added to NeuroShell Trader. Analysis Templates allow a presaved analysis/chart layout to be applied to a new chart. When creating a new chart, you have the option of selecting an Analysis Template from the Analysis Template drop down list. If an analysis template is selected, the chart will be created with the selected analysis already applied to the chart. For instance, one analysis template you can select is called the Moving Average Crossover Strategy. If selected, a chart will be created with a moving average crossover based trading strategy on the chart. Any chart file that is saved to the template subdirectory will be available as an analysis template in the New Chart Wizard. Therefore, if you want to create your own custom analysis templates, you need only save or copy a representative chart into the template directory. Custom Analysis Templates are an alternative to multiple chart pages in that they allow you to easily apply the same analysis/chart format to a variety of ticker symbols.
  3. The ability to reconstruct the original indicator from a custom indicator has been added. If you select the Modify Indicator button on the last page of the indicator wizard when a custom indicator is selected, you will see the Reconstruct Original Indicator button at the bottom of the Save Template dialog. Pressing this button will reconstruct the original indicator that was used to create the custom indicator. Note that if you have created custom indicators and do not want other people to have the ability to view or reconstruct the original indicator, you should make sure that you have password protected all your custom indicators.
  4. The prediction wizard has eight new standard outputs. The eight new outputs are the Optimal Change in Close, Optimal Percent Change in Close, Optimal Buy/Sell/Hold based on Close, Optimal Buy/Sell based on Close, Optimal Change in Open, Optimal Percent Change in Open, Optimal Buy/Sell/Hold based on Open, and Optimal Buy/Sell based on Open. The optimal change and optimal percent change outputs are the change from the current price value to the next peak/valley in prices. The buy/sell output is a buy(1) when prices are going upwards towards a peak and a sell(-1) when prices are going downwards towards a peak. The buy/sell/hold indicator is similar to the buy/sell except that it changes from a buy to a hold(0) when the distance to the next peak is less than the distance to the valley that follows the peak. The buy/sell/hold indicator also changes from a sell to a hold when the distance to the next valley is less than the distance to the peak that follows the valley. For more information about these outputs see Neural Network – Output Discussion
  5. A new indicator category Neural Outputs has been created and contains the new indicators Optimal Change, Optimal Percent Change, Optimal Buy/Sell/Hold, and Optimal Buy/Sell. These indicators allow users to use the optimal outputs described above as the output for the neural indicators add-on packages.
  6. The indicators Time of Day, Hour of Day, and Minute of Hour have been added to the Time Flags category.
  7. The indicator Days until Third Friday has been added to the Day and Date Flags category. This will aid in determining the number of days until the next options expiration.
  8. The indicators Crossover Above and Crossover Below have been added to the Crossover & Breakout Identification category.
  9. Double clicking on the legend text or a line on the chart will cause an edit of the indicator, prediction, or trading strategy being double clicked. If you prefer, you can still access the modify menu items by right clicking or selecting modify from the edit menu.
  10. Exporting has been improved to include the ability to export a data file for each chart page in the chart with only one export. The export wizard now contains an Export a data file for each chart page in the chart option. This option allows for a data file to be written for each chart page using the export wizard only once instead of having to use the export wizard once for each chart page for which a file is desired.
  11. Four new trading objective functions have been added to both Prediction and Trading Strategy optimization. The new objective functions are Maximize ReturnOnAccount * EquityCurveCorrelation, Maximize Sharpe Ratio by Trade, Maximize Ratio Net Profit / StndDev Profit, and Maximize Ratio Net * Avg Profit / StndDev Profit. For more details on these objective functions see Trading Objective Functions.
  12. An option to show Selected items only has been added to the Chart Wizard so that selecting and deselecting instruments may be made a little easier when creating a new chart or adding/removing chart pages.
  13. End of day Omega Global Server data is now mapped as a data server instead of as a data file. The Omega Global Server is mapped as a data server by selecting Data Sources from the Tools menu, selecting the Servers tab, and selecting Omega Global Server (2000i) in the drop down list. If you previously had end of day Omega Global Server data mapped, NeuroShell Trader will automatically make the Omega Global Server the data server and remove any Omega Global Server file mappings that you had in prior versions the first time you run NeuroShell Trader version 3.2.
  14. NeuroShell Trader now works on Asian versions of Windows. However, to work with Asian windows it was necessary to change the file format for charts and custom indicators. All charts will automatically be saved to the new file format when they are saved in version 3.2. When you first run version 3.2, all of your template files (.TPL) located in the NeuroShell Trader Template subdirectory will be automatically changed to the new file format. NeuroShell Trader will also save the old template file to the extension .V30. In the event that you need to switch back to the old template format, you can erase the new .TPL file and then rename the old .V30 file to .TPL.
  15. Indicators will now extend data of other frequencies properly. In old versions, if you added weekly raw data to a daily chart, the weekly raw data values would be extended out to fill each daily bar. However, if you had created an indicator based solely upon the weekly data, the resulting indicator would not extend itself out to every daily bar. In the new version, if you create an indicator based solely upon weekly data, the indicator will properly extend itself out to fill every daily bar.
  16. In the Prediction Wizard, the default number of hidden nodes for the training set was reduced to 10 to match to number of hidden nodes for the optimization set.


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