Brushing of NST again after a longer hiatus and realise I’ve forgotten some simple things.
First, let’s say that my system generates a long signal after closing on a Monday night. However, I only want to enter into the trade on Tuesday morning if Open is no higher than the Close was on Monday the previous day. So I do a limit order but do I use lag or not of the Close, i.e. either
A<=B where A=Open and B=Lag(Close,1)
A<=B where A=Open and B=Close
Second, let’s say the system predicts the change in Close 4 days ahead and that I want to trade on that if it is at least 2%. So after processing on Monday night, the system predicts that Close on Friday will be 2% higher than the Close on Monday night and my intention is to manually exit just before closing on Friday. Again, I do not want to enter into the trade unless my price is equal to or less than Monday’s Close (to realize the full 2% anticipated return). However, let’s say the market opens higher on Tuesday and doesn’t dip down below Monday’s Close until say Thursday Open. If I had placed a stop limit order on opening Tuesday, will my order still be filled on Thursday morning, several bars later?
Third, sticking to my target/hurdle return of 2%, let’s say my system predicts a 2.7% change between Monday’s and Friday’s Close so I’m prepared to enter into the trade before Friday at a price up to 0.7% greater than Monday’s Close. So I want to make a stop limit order that kicks in anytime during the week (between Tuesday’s Open and Friday’s Open) under the condition my fill price is at least 2% less than Friday’s predicted Close or alternatively, no greater than 0.7% of Monday’s Close. How do I make this happen dynamically during that week, including I guess sort of locking Monday’s Close and Friday’s predicted Close?
- Use this one: A<=B where A=Open and B=Lag(Close,1)
- Your entry and exit conditions are tested on every bar, daily in your case. So once you enter a trade, your exit condition will be tested every day. Note that if you manually exit a trade your trading system will be not know about the exit.
- You could use the Remember indicator from Advanced Indicator Set 3 to remember the close when the condition is the Day Flag Monday.
Thank you for your reply.
- OK so just to be clear, the order condition operates like it is the next day, Tuesday in my example (hence the lag needed on the Close as per your suggestion) and not the day of the signal being triggered, Monday?
- Not sure this answers my question, which is more about entering between the date of the signal given and the date of the prediction, and less about exiting that you mention. I understand that everything is recalculated the next day but in my example where my system on a Monday predicts a 2% rise by Friday, note that I still want to get in before Friday as long as I can at 2% less, even if the system on the Tuesday (+1) recalculates a downturn for the coming Monday (+1), especially if my exits aren’t based on prediction signals.
- I’ll review the online manual for the AIS3 again and see if they are for me.
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