Hey peeps,
I just wanted to ask, how do you guys keep track of Neuroshell trader when its automatically trading and how do you handle any hiccups which happen?
To elaborate, I’ve sometimes had to step in to manually stop trades because of <insert calamity here> and its been a mixture of stuff from VPS going kaput/random restart/windows updates, to programs interfering in normal operations and/or NST crashing because of combined factors etc.
Just wanted to know how everyone monitors the situation and whether it is on your own computer/laptop or on a VPS or server…. I’m just looking at options to mitigate or stay upto date with the happenings on my server and want to know how everyone else is handling all of these problems?
How does everyone usually monitor their setups and what can we do to stop crashes or at least mitigate/reduce problems when auto trading?
Thanks everyone!
When I used to auto trade I had a bare bones installation on a dedicated mini brick PC, with 2 ssd’s mirrored, only installed the OS, zero other software, disabled hibernation and anything that would put things into low power mode etc, removed everything from startup and disabled automatic software updates for windows (still patched, just did it manually once a month). Had wifi and cat5 ethernet, so if the ethernet failed it would fall back to wifi.
Never optimized on it, used another machine for that as had charts on a shared NAS drive etc
I’d monitor it by occasionaly logging in via remote desktop.
Been tempted to set it up again, but this time I’d probably go the virtual machine hyervisor route.
Hi to Stu C , are you thinking of loading it on the cloud , eg Google cloud, AWS, or Azure ?
Hmm had not actually thought of that 🙂 was more intially thinking run in a local hyper-v, that being said I am super tempted to try it in a Azure hosted VM as I have the subscriptions to Azure. I am super curios about how well optimization would perform on cloud based vm’s 🙂
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