Morning , does anybody know how to make the CH use the CH Var
at the beginning of a run . Sometimes i have to wait for 2 hours or more before it tries using the CH Var. When that kicks in i get the results i want .
I have been reading how to edit formulas section , but how do i make it use the CH Var earlier on ? any ideas .
Can you explain more maybe with some pictures?I think I remember something like Steve Ward was using the value of 0.777 .
I createad a new formula with August newsletter model.My problem with Chaos Hunter is , it goes totally blank with the same data.I dont know what do I do wrong ?Or what is wrong with CH?
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Hey Tovim , i have not looked at the August model yet ,
Plus i am in the scientific mode.
What parts of that were out of sample and what was in sample ?
What I did was get the raw data , OHLC from NSDT Pro.
I then used this data in excel to create the input indicators that I wanted .
Then after testing in CH , and getting the results i wanted in scientific mode.
Then I had to rewrite all the indicators in NSDT to get the same inputs .
This is so that I am using exactly the same data in CH and NSDT .
Asit says if you are comparing apples and apples , and you have the ChaosVar input in your formula , you need to start on the exact same bar .
So now all the inputs are straight from NSDT , into a CSV file , then into Chaos Hunter , then save the model in the NSDT Template folder .
Open the original NSDT data model with the indicators. Then use the model
from CH and select all the correct inputs to match the CH inputs and remember
to lock all of the inputs . When you open the external library, click on the button down the end , goto templates and select your model. Then when it inserts it and you click next , you get the inputs eg open = BLANK here , you need to click on the open in the list of inputs , match them all up . Then lock them to get the Model as it was in the CH , Also you need the NSDT PRO for that to work intraday ,
Then run it in a Trading Strategy .
Hello Michael ,
As far as I understand scientific mode means you are trying regression model.Do you re-calculate your indicators(rsi ,momentum etc?) in excel from the raw data from NSDT Pro then recreate a new chaos hunter formula including the chaos var ? Then you use the chaos hunter formula as an indicator in NSDT?It sounds all little blurry.Can you shoot somee pictures or can you or I email you?
Hi Tovim , Getting very messy ,
First i designed the inputs in excel , and then saved as a CSV to test in CH.
Now , i have redone all the calculations in NSDT , because i have the feed bringing live data there. Then i get all the data from NSDT in a CSV file .
Put that in the CH and retrain because some of the calculations are not exactly the same in NSDT as they are in excel.
As i have selected Choas Var as an input , ticked that box , set the starting value for for CH at 0 , Because i have the percentage change as the value i am looking for. Fluctuates around ZERO . Using R2 .
The seed number i am using is 823 .
The reason for using Data from NSDT is that it says if you have ChaosVar in your formula you have to start on EXACTLY the same bar . So i am using exactly the same data from NSDT in the CH , then back to the NSDT Trading strategy .
Using the CH Model as an indicator in the NSDT , by accessing it using the
External Library , Running it as an indicator to be able to see what it is predicting. But remember to lock all the variables when you use it in the TS . If you want to have exactly the same result.
There is no way to force ChaosHunter to use specific functions.
Is it possible to fit the data with different geometric shapes with Chaos Hunter?
Hi Tovim , I have no idea , never tried that .
Only idea i have , could you put in the formula for the shape you want , say a circle,oval , ellipse , Could you make the radius be a function of the range ?
EG, if the range for the last 10 bars is 12 points . Now solve for what R would
equal a circle based on the current close as the center point.( origin)
That passes through the high and low for the last 10 bars , etc . something
that . I really have no idea of this method of charting/trading , but i can see how it would be really beneficial if you were trading box options. You could trade inside or outside the box.
Hello Michael,
I have two concept on my to do list : one is gartley ,butterfly,bat etc.. types of Pesavento patterns.I know some traders claiming up to seventy percent success in particular with continuation Pesavento patterns.I am not sure if NSDT or CH suitable for finding the most profitable ratios.Another is not involved with ratios it is a different concept.
I attach some Pesavento patterns in excel to give you some idea.
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