I bought 3990X 64-core (128 Logical processors) but when I first run Prediction it uses only 64 cores. Also in NST7 settings is able to use 64 of 64 cores. Any ide how to enable all 128 Logical processors for NST ?
Hi Saq, I want to join your discord channel but invite link has expired and I´m not able to find you on discord based on ID and nick name, can you send me message to my discord account ? (Peter Baksa 2050159#5501 )
Thank you
Hi neurospark511, I´m using thread ripper (Ryzen 2995) from beginning. Never saw performance disaster like this. Adv. is that more cores = more speed in case of optimisation, BUT when I compare these 64 cores of thread ripper with Intel i9 (9th gen) with 8 cores, I were expected 8 times (ok, lets be realist 5-6 times) more speed, but it was just 1.5 – 2.0 “speedier”.
Cannot explain.. NST is not performance optimized 🙁