Scanning Wizard – Selecting Instruments

Selecting the instruments that you want to scan allows you to choose the instruments for which you want to view criteria and values.

  1. Select the instrument or instruments you wish to scan.
  2. Press the Next button to proceed to the next wizard screen.

To sort by ticker symbol:

  1. Select the Sort by Symbol option.


To sort by name/description:

  1. Select the Sort by Name option.


To show only the items selected in your list:

  1. Select the Selected items only option.


To show all the items in the list (both selected and not selected):

  1. Deselect the Selected items only option.

If you are using ESignal as your data source, you have the option of adding instruments that are not already listed. To add a new ticker symbol:

  1. Press the Add New Ticker Symbol button.
  2. Enter the instrument’s ticker symbol into the Ticker box
  3. Enter the instrument’s full name into the Name box
  4. Select the instrument’s category using the Category drop down box.
  5. Press the OK button to add the new instrument.


  • If you are using the data installed in the NeuroShell Trader Data subdirectory, you may see extra letters after the stock name (For example: Microsoft MSQ ZMF ZJZ). This is an indication that the stock is an optionable stock and the letters are the actual root symbols for the stock’s option contracts.


  • To select a group of instruments, hold the left mouse button down while you drag the mouse over the desired instruments.
  • If you are unable to find a ticker, you’ll want to make sure that your data is setup correctly. For information on how to setup your data review: Setting Up Data Directories and/or Setting Up Data Server.


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