Modifying Predictions

Modifying predictions allows you to modify the currently selected prediction. This may be useful if you want to retrain the prediction, change the criteria of a prediction (i.e. number of walk-forwards), the inputs being used, or the value the prediction is predicting.

  1. Select a prediction displayed on the chart by clicking on the corresponding line, legend text, or Snapshot View text.
  2. Once the prediction is selected (highlighted with black boxes), select Modify Selected Prediction from the Edit menu.



  1. Select a prediction displayed on the chart by right-clicking on the corresponding line or legend text.
  2. Select Modify Selected Prediction from the pop-up menu.



  1. Modify a prediction displayed on the chart by double-clicking on the corresponding line or legend text.


  • You must make sure the mouse cursor has changed to a hand before clicking on the line or legend text. If the cursor is still an arrow or a cross hair, the selection will not occur. If you are selecting a line on the chart, it is best to position the cursor over a data point instead of the portion of the line connecting two data points.

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What are Neural Networks?

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